
Az érzelmek vezérelte rossz döntések elkerülése

A hirtelen felindulást eredményező érzelmek, mint a düh, a félelem, a vágy és az élvezet elnyomják az agy azon részét, amivel józanon mérlegelni tudjuk a helyezetet. Ez olyan döntésekre ösztönözhet, amiket később megbánhatunk. Ilyen lehet például az impluzusvásárlás, szex közben a hevesen felhúzott gumi vagy vita közben mások szidalmazása. Ezeket úgy tudjuk elkerülni, hogyha megpróbálunk figyelni az adott érzelem kialakulására, vágyak esetében buffert hagyni magunknak a döntésekre vagy büdzsé tervet készítünk.

A tanulás nehezebb, mint a tagadás

  • Vannak olyan esetek, amikor az emberek a tagadást választják a megismerés helyett.
    • A tagadás kényelmesebb, mert a tanulásba munkát kell fektetni ahhoz, hogy megváltozzanak dolgok.
  • A tanulással könnyen előfordulhat, hogy végül rájövünk arra, hogy nem volt igazunk. Ez lyukat üt az egónkban, így érett személyiség kell ahhoz, hogy bevállaljuk ezt és elismerjük a hibáinkat.
    • A tagadással ezt el tudjuk kerülni, viszont így könnyen lehet, hogy csak hazudni fogunk magunknak.
    • A tudás az elme és az azt támogató külső eszközök eredménye

A hirtelen felindulásból történő vásárlások elkerülésére a büdzsé egy jó eszköz lehet

A hirtelen felindulásból történő vásárlások elkerülésére a büdzsé egy jó eszköz lehet. A büdzsé egy terv arra, hogy egy véges készlet felhasználása hogyan történjen. Amennyiben igazodunk ehhez a tervhez, elkerülhetjük, hogy a hirtelen felindulásból vásároljunk valamit. Opcióként a tervbe foglalhatunk egy megadott összeget magunknak ilyen vásárlásokra.

A véleményformáló blogok hatása a vásárlásainkra

A véleményformáló termékblogok képesek olyan vásárlási döntésekbe vinni az embereket, amiket csupán a közösséghez tartozás és a FOMO miatt tesznek meg. Ezek a blogok (például az olyan márkák köré tematizálva, mint az Apple) kisebb közösségeket formálnak ki maguk körül. Ezek az emberek diktált termékpreferenciákat követnek, amiket a blogger vezérel. Ezek a termékpreferenciák többször is kommunikálva vannak és mint egy reklám bújik bele az agyunkba, ösztönözve minket a vásárlásra. Sokszor mondvacsinált problémákra próbálunk megoldást keresni ezekkel az eszközökkel, mindössze amiatt, mert a FOMO érzése arra ösztönöz minek, hogy kövessük a tömeget.

A stressz helyett az aggodalmainkat kell menedzselni

Az állandó aggodalom kitalált veszélyeket hordoz magában, ami miatt jelentkezhet a testünk védelmi mechanizmusa stressz formájában. Ennek káros hatásait elkerülve nem stressz menedzsmenttel kell foglalkoznunk – mivel a stressz automatikus reakció – hanem aggodalom menedzsmenttel.

  • A GTD segít irányítás alá vonni a zavar utáni zajt

A szorongás hatása a dolgok végkimenetelére

A szorongás típusa befolyásolhatja a szorongásunk tárgyának bekövetkeztét aszerint, hogy félünk attól, vagy nagyon vágyunk rá.

Anticipatorikus szorongásnak hívjuk azt, amikor annyira félünk valamitől, hogy az erre adott reakciónk valószínűbbé teszi a félelmünk bekövetkeztét. Ilyen lehet például az egészségszorongás során a testpásztázás és nyomkodás reakciója, ami csak rosszabbá teheti a vélt tüneteinket, vagy az eleme fájdalommal szembeni ellenállása.

Ezzel ellentétben hipertenciós szorongásnak nevezik azt, amikor túlságosan vágyunk valamire és az emiatt nem következik be. Erre példa lehet a szexualitásban túlságosan vágyott orgazmus. Ilyenkor figyelmünk annyira erre összpontosul, hogy reakcióként a testünk nem tudja magát elengedni, így végül az orgazmus emiatt nem következik be.

  • Az agyunk jelzései a tisztázatlan dolgokkal kapcsolatban

Appending information is way to keep a history of changes

Follow-up on 2023-10-23_22-27:

  • By appending information, we don’t delete existing information, we just add new information at the end of the stack.
  • Having all changes visible in the chain (even the bad ones), makes harder to erase mistakes.
  • Analog systems like Antinet #Zettelkasten or #Journaling are forcing us to organize information by appending it at the end of the stack.
  • Digital systems can be used like this, but they need the right mindset from us, so we don’t remove mistakes.
  • Appending information gives us a way to see the development of an idea.
    • Keeping a history of changes called versioning in computer software.
    • A Zettelkasten és a GTD hagyja természetesen kialakulni a dolgokat
    • Zettelkasten jegyzetsorozatok 2.6.9
      • A Zettelkasten outline megmutatja egy ötlet kialakulásának történetét
    • A tweetstorm alkalmas egy ötlet publikus tesztelésére
    • We can email ourselves in a thread to capture an idea 2.14.10
    • The capture log is an automatic journal 2.14.12


Keeping manual versions in Ulysses

  • I like how Aaron Draplin duplicates layers in Illustrator to keep a history of changes and branch out new ideas.
  • In the same way I can duplicate groups in Ulysses for writing projects, so I can have a trackable / branchable writing workflow.
    • Ulysses also keeps versions of projects, but the manual version can be tied to milestones in the writing workflow.
  • The version workflow can be this.
    • Keep a group where all sections are sheets.
    • Duplicate groups before big edits and assign version numbers for each group.
      • XYZ v1
      • XYZ v2
    • Triggers for duplicating groups can be the following:
      • First draft is ready.
      • Starring a new editing session.
        • Before each session, create a new group.
        • This removes the fears of loosing ideas. I can just go back and copy a previous idea.
      • Checking grammar with Grammarly.
        • Grammar checking is just another form of editing.
      • Before publishing the first version.
        • I can keep a version which was the initial finalized idea. The published version can change, so this group will allow me to compare what type of changes I usually do.

Email can be an append-only note-taking tool and storage

Follow-up on 2.14.10:

There are multiple ways to develop ideas. Sometimes the best one is where you can’t change the history of an idea. It’s there as breadcrumbs to go back in time and see how an idea was developed.

Other people use email as an append-only note-taking tool and storage medium. From How I use append-only log to store information (DEVONthink archive):

Choose any email client you like and basically dump all your PDFs, notes, digitized papers, files into it as it arrives from various sources. Just write a meaningful subject that you can search for later. You can use labels or folders to organize, but mostly just send it to an email address of your choice and archive it. Usually, you will not even read it again after you have saved it. The E-mail format itself is well understood and has many features. The max attachment size of most service providers is around 20 MB. It’s more than enough. Try to use plain text for just taking short notes and messages to yourself. If you want to dump more than 20mb of files, just archive it or split into many emails or upload it to cloud storage and copy and paste the link to email.

When you need the information. It’s there. Always.

No more fiddling with the file managers, renaming. It is saved as it is.

Even if you would like to edit, you can just forward the message again to yourself with the edit and delete the original one.

You can also use it to schedule mails and track future tasks, TV shows, anime, movies or Reminder to yourself in the future. If you are working on a piece of text for a long time, you can just keep it as a draft and keep working. It will be auto-saved.

I am a fan of the bullet journal method. Handwritten text is immutable. The same goes for emails. Once you send it, it becomes immutable.

I don’t know if other use emails to store all their digital content in emails like me. But it’s a pretty neat trick.

Here’s how Steve Jobs used email to write his Stanford commencement speech:

In January 2005, John Hennessy, the president of Stanford, asked Steve to give the commencement address to that spring’s graduating class. Steve agreed.

On and off for the next six months, Steve took stabs at writing his talk. He emailed stories and memories to himself. He asked friends, Apple colleagues, and the screenwriter Aaron Sorkin for their thoughts. In the end, however, he wrote the speech on his own. Even three days before the event, Steve was unsatisfied with his talk. He sent it to a friend, warning, “I’ll send it to you, but please don’t puke. I never do stuff like this.” He was still refining the speech the morning that he gave it. Uncharacteristically, Steve read from the lectern, rather than memorizing his text (as he did with Apple keynotes) or speaking extemporaneously from a few scrawled notes (as he did in nearly every other talk).

Steve was happy with the speech—he emailed himself a copy a few days after giving it—but he generally deflected the praise that he received for it. “I bought it on CommencementSpeeches.com,” he joked to one person. The commencement address has been viewed millions of times online and is included[…]

These use cases are similar to how I use email threads to develop ideas in the capture phase 2.14.10, and as a tickler file

I also have another app where I keep journal entries called Everlog. I’m thinking about applying the same idea there and never editing my Everlog entries after I added them. It is also an append-only app, where entries shouldn’t be changed afterward, only deleted. I can always add a follow-up to an entry but I should never change it, so I can see how something was developed over time.

This is why I like to use Drafts for capturing and drafting ideas. I can easily edit them while I’m working on the idea, but I shouldn’t change them too much after I share them with their destination app (except when I continue working on them).

Published post → Append-only storage and developing ideas



Avoiding Distractions in Modern Computing

Notes from Avoiding Distractions in Modern Computing

Most of the upcoming generation will never experience “slow computing”.

Slow computing can be done in a “distraction” heavy environment like email. It all depends on how we set up our tools and what we let our computers do. I can still control a lot of aspects of macOS and iOS and I don’t feel them distractions, but simple tools.

It baffles me that people buy pricey phones and have no idea what these devices are capable of. All they do with them is browse TikTok and Instagram.

It is like a blank canvas with no outputs, just waiting for a command about what I would like to do next. At this point I might navigate to a blog directory and open a document with my text editor of choice: emacs. When done writing this post I will add it to git, my text versioning system. After this I do whatever I please with the text file. I might push it to my central blog repository where a static HTML file generates on a public area or I may pipe it to some other program. This is the Unix philosophy.

The terminal-based environment can feel like an island of peace. Not because apps are distracting but because it is a limited interface that is very easy to control.

Some people, like me, feel at home with a customized Unix prompt.


Instead of setting the title to empty, I have to add a new headless attribute to hide the title or not in the note template. This way the title of the page will still display the website <title> which is a timestamp but the post design will be headless.

This will need to be used in the feed too. 2023-10-18_10-11

Also, in these posts, the title should be the full creation date, so I have a full date to display since wikilinks will use the timestamp.


Zettelkasten setup tasks

I just finished setting up my new Zettelkasten website.

Remaining tasks:

  • Backlinks
  • English localization
  • iPad Pro setup
  • MacBook Pro setup
  • SF Symbols icons @canceled
  • Link outline
  • Note types
    • I should be able to create fleeting notes, reading highlights
      • Automate this is Drafts
    • Everything stored in one place with links to different notes
    • Permanent notes should be set automatically
      • Permanent note is linked in the outline
    • Each note type has a different layout icon
    • I can set the note type in the source Markdown file
    • Show the breadcrumb only in permanent notes, since those are the ones linked in the outline
  • Outline based navigation
    • I can go in a note to…
      • Parent (parse it from the the zettel ID)
      • Previous (if available, the first note scanned backwards which has the same indentation)
      • Next (if available, the first note scanned forwards which has the same indentation)
      • Branch (if available, the next line after the current one which has a bigger indentation)
  • Markdown checkboxes
    • Add checkmarks for task indicators
  • Disable Google indexing @cenceled
  • Different type of breadcrumb for non-permanent notes
    • Remove the “Outline” text, it should be just a / character
    • 2023-10-17_16-41
  • Integrate images
  • Fix the image integration in RSS
  • Add a share link using the JavaScript share sheet API
  • Fix note links




Unanswered emails need to be tracked on the Waiting for list

Email replies need to be kept on the same “Waiting for” list just like tracking any other item I’m waiting on. Keeping just one list for “waiting fors” will make reviewing these actions way easier in my #GTD system.

It’s important to BCC myself in an outgoing email, because that’s how I can get a reminder about that I’m waiting for a reply to my email. I can use my email address, but it’s even better if my list manager can receive emails and save them into my Inbox directly (like Things or OmniFocus allows me). Later I can process captures emails and create a “Waiting for” actions out of them.

I usually name my waiting for actions in the following format:

“Person / organization name → subject of what I’m waiting for (optional date in YYYY-mm-dd)”


Journaling can help us to clarify next actions

Journaling about a topic can help us to clarify next actions about it. This habit is one way of using writing for thinking.

The “River of thoughts” concept means that you are writing down everything that comes to your mind and then later you organize it. The goal is to get down every idea, and then see what happens.

Hopefully at the end, you’ll end up with at least one next action that you can store in your GTD system.


Send Later in Mail can be used as a Tickler File

We have the Remind Me and Follow-up features in Mail, which could be useful for email follow-ups, but there are problems with them.

  1. Remind Me only works for emails in the inbox, so if I archive an email, it just silently moves the email to the top of the Archive.
  2. Follow-up is a black box, driven by AI, and there is no way to set it up manually for specific emails that I want to track.
    • It is 3 days by default, but I’m not sure if it works for every email sent.
    • I also use a GTD waiting for list to track items waiting for reply. → 2.7.8

Instead, I can leverage the fact that Mail has excellent conversations view, so the Send Later feature can resurface any thread by just scheduling a message which is forwarded to myself.

I have a separate “Inbox” contact card with the +captured text appended to the email address, so when I want to remind myself about a message, I can just forward it to this address with Schedule Later feature.

It will reappear in my inbox resurfacing the whole conversation. I can also add my own notes to a forwarded message in a thread which acts a bit like the poor men’s version of HEY’s sticky notes.


There are usability issues present when using the iPad Pro as a small laptop

  • The iPad Pro could be improved regarding problems of UI delays and slowness.
  • I don’t use Stage Manager in the internal display.
    • The best iPad setup is to have Stage Manager disabled in the internal display and use it on an external display.
    • Disadvantages of using Stage Manager is that…
      • I feel like the Magic Trackpad connected using a USB cable is actually lagging compared to the internal trackpad.
      • iPadOS can’t turn off the external display. It’s just switches to a black screen, so in theory the display still consumes the same amount power as in use.
  • It should be the perfect blogging machine.
    • It doesn’t have MarsEdit, which is one of my most useful apps on the Mac to edit posts on a blog.
      • I can start a link post from Reeder or Safari and share it with people.
    • There is a native WordPress app on iPadOS, which lets me manage my posts, but I still like MarsEdit more, because it uses HTML directly.
      • I can switch to HTML in the WordPress app, but I need to do it manually every time.
  • Keyboard shortcuts on the iPad Pro are lagging compared to macOS.
    • Using MacOS from the keyboard feels intuitive and fast, because it has years of experience being an OS controlled via keyboard and mouse.
    • Some iPad apps are have great keyboard integration, like Safari, Things, Craft and iVim. In other apps (like Mail) the keyboard feels like some form of remote device.
  • The iPad Pro’s screen is too small to do heavy work.
    • There is a limit of what a mobile device can do on its 11-inch screen.
    • The iPad Pro has bigger UI targets than macOS, so it fits smaller amount of content on its display.
      • We can set the iPad Pro UI scaling smaller, but then it is too small compared to a standard MacBook screen.
        • Setting the iPad Pro UI scaling smaller, we end up with a UI scaling that is similar to iPad mini and iPhone.

The iPad Pro is my small laptop

  • The iPad Pro can be a computer which I use as a small laptop
    • There are usability issues present when using the iPad Pro as a small laptop
    • I can say that the benefits of having an iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard is to use it as a mobile device for tasks that need a lot of typing.
  • Such typing heavy tasks include
    • Blogging
      • Assembling a draft of a post in Craft, exporting it into Ulysses, then publishing it via the WordPress app.
    • #Zettelkasten writing, where I have my @Staging list which holds all my notes that I’m working on.
    • Replying to emails, not processing them.
      • We can email ourselves in a thread to capture an idea 2.14.10
    • Using it as the secondary display for my MacBook Pro when doing work away from my desk.


We can email ourselves in a thread to capture an idea

  • I can leave notes for myself about an email thread by sending a reply to my own address in the same thread.
    • Send Later in Mail can be used as a Tickler File
  • I’ll see the email as part of the thread, but it will be kept private.
    • I can use it to forward ideas to my Things inbox, but still keep notes in the thread.
  • It can be a nice tool for keeping notes in the email thread about…
    • Code review comments.
    • Ideas about a project we’re discussing.
    • Capture an idea on the phone about a thread which can be seen later on the desktop when I’m processing emails.
      • It is a good idea to turn on threads in Apple Mail to see these notes in context.


The best way to learn about our tools is to keep a workflow changelog

  • The idea of the workflow changelog is to collect workflows that we want to apply when we’re using a tool.
    • We can keep these workflows in a Zettelkasten-like note-taking system.
    • Write about how we plan to use a workflow.
    • As we learn to apply these workflows, we can evolve them like ideas, and connect them with other workflows.
  • When we’re ready to use a newly found workflow, we can create a list of workflows that we want to learn.
    • When we see the opportunity to use a new workflow while we work, we can refer to our workflow list on how to do it.
    • The workflow learning list should contain about 3-5 workflows at the one time. Otherwise we won’t remember to use them.
  • Over time, some of these workflows will became muscle memory. The rest will be ignored.
  • Workflows that have been learned, can be checked on the list. If we want, we can add a new workflow to our list.
  • Our own automations can be also tracked on this list.


Digital gardens should be kept private

  • I like to keep my #DigitalGarden private.
  • Instead of developing ideas in the public, my #DigitalGarden should be used as a private backbone for my blog.
    • I keep #DigitalGarden notes here about the things I’m interested in.
      • Scripts
      • Systems
      • Workflows
  • I can develop ideas here, and when they ready, I can release them on my blog.


A jól megfogalmazott jegyzetcímek fontosabbak, mint a sorszámok

  • Míg a projektek esetében a sorszám felfogható egy egyedi azonosítóként, aminek vannak előnyei (például Safari Tab Group elnevezése, keresés), addig a jegyzetek esetén sokkal fontosabb hogy a jegyzet címe egy állítás legyen és az szövegkörnyezetben is jól olvasható (202109082109 A jegyzetcímekre API-ként kell gondolnunk).
    • A sorszám nem kommunikál jelentést egy digitális Zettelkasten jegyzet esetében.
    • There similarities between naming things in programming and naming things in a Zettelkasten
  • A sorszám olyan mintha egy örökség lenne az analóg Zettelkastenből, amiben még a technológia hiánya miatt szükség van egy egyedi azonosítóra.


A Tickler File arra való, hogy előre tudjunk ütemezni magunknak dolgokat a jövőben

  • Az alábbi dolgokat érdemes benne tárolni:
    • egy meetinghez kapcsolódó meghívókat, support és agenda elemeket
    • meeting jegyzeteket, amiket majd capture-ként használunk egy adott eseményhez
      • így vissza tudunk menni a naptárban és visszakövetni a meetinghez kapcsolódó jegyzeteket
      • érdemes lehet automatizálni a meeting jegyzetek létrehozását valamilyen szűrés szerint
        • a “Sync Calendar to Deep Sessions” shortcut jól alapul szolgálhat ezen jegyzetek létrehozására
    • érdekes / hasznos információ az adott naphoz kapcsolódóan
    • dolgok, amik adott napon aktiválódnak, vagy szükségünk van rájuk

A DEVONthinkből az Apple Calendarba tudjuk szinkronizálni a Tickler File-t

  • A DEVONthinkből a Tickler File koncepciót használva össze lehet szinkronizálni annak tartalmát az Apple Calendarral.
  • A GTD rendszer azt mondja, hogy minden nap először a naptárunkat kell megnézni.
  • A naptárra szinkronizált Tickler Fileban tárolhatunk olyan support elemeket amikre:
    • aznap szükségünk lehet,
    • meg kell néznünk,
    • vagy fel kell dolgoznunk.


Pull requests for developers are like papers for scientists

  • A paper is a final output from a scientist which is reviewed by other people. His findings can provide insights into a topic which can extend the human’s knowledge.
  • A pull request is also a final output of a developer’s code work which is reviewed by a peer developer. When a PR is merged, it can extend the application’s functionality.
  • Usually pull requests reviews are not as strict as scientific paper reviews.
  • There is a correlation between the number of pull requests and developer productivity, but it is not a one-to-one mapping.


iPad Pro can be a computer which I use as a small laptop

  • It should always be with me. I could even always carry it around like a small a MacBook. For example Stephen Wolfram always has a computer with him.

But I never like to be computerless, and the 13′′ laptop is a heavy thing to lug around. So instead I also have a tiny 2-lb laptop, which I put in a little bag.

  • He uses a 12-inch MacBook to lug around.
  • A MacBook could be better choice for this instead of an iPad, but I already bought have an M2 iPad Pro which should be able to serve me as a portable laptop instead of an M2 MacBook Air.

Devices can be assigned to different contexts depending on their use cases

  • Stephen Wolfram has usecases for different mobile devices in different context.

    I always have my phone in my pocket, and if I have just a few moments that’s what I’ll pull out. It works fine if I’m checking mail, and deleting or forwarding a few messages. If I actually want to write anything serious, though, out will come my little computer, with its full keyboard. Of course, if I’m standing up it’s pretty impractical to try to balance the computer on one hand and type with the other. And sometimes if I know I’m going to be standing for a while, I’ll bring a tablet with me. But other times, I’ll just be stuck with my phone.

  • He uses his phone for most of everyday task, but when he have to do serious typing, then he grabs his MacBook and uses that.
  • Typing with a tablet is only feasible for him, when he stands, so if he is going to stand a lot, he brings a laptop.

Numbers can be used to store next actions and projects in a GTD system

  • We can store next actions of a GTD system in Apple Numbers by creating two tables for next actions and projects.
    • The projects list is just a plain list of projects, with a completion checkbox, a title, and an optional due date field.
      • We could add an optional notes or project support field as well, where we can link notes and other assets, or just link them using the title field.
        • It would be nice if we could link to Hook itself, where the link would open the a bunch of assets in the Hook window.
    • The next actions list contains a completion checkbox, a title, a due date, a context, and an optional project field.
      • The context field can be a drop-down listing all of our contexts.
      • The project field can be a linked field using a formula for the projects table title field.
  • Category grouping on the next actions table can be used to group next actions by context.
    • Contexts groupings can be folded, depending on where we are and what we want to see.
    • We can create sums for the number of nexf actions in a group.
  • Writing AppleScript for syncing with Reminders should be easy.
    • The script can create different Reminders lists for each context.
    • Due date can be assigned as Reminders due date.
    • Next actions can be added to each Reminders list using the following format.
      • Next action title [Project Title]
    • Questions
      • Could it be possible to sync changes from Reminders back to Numbers using AppleScript?
  • Questions
    • What pivot tables are?
    • Can we use pivot tables to create multiple views (perspectives) for the next actions table?
    • How would we store task related notes?
      • A new field can be long, but we can’t have fields under another row.
    • What would be the benefit of this system other than just using a proper task management app like OmniFocus?
      • I guess it’s free and comes with every Mac.