The best way to learn about our tools is to keep a workflow changelog

  • The idea of the workflow changelog is to collect workflows that we want to apply when we’re using a tool.
    • We can keep these workflows in a Zettelkasten-like note-taking system.
    • Write about how we plan to use a workflow.
    • As we learn to apply these workflows, we can evolve them like ideas, and connect them with other workflows.
  • When we’re ready to use a newly found workflow, we can create a list of workflows that we want to learn.
    • When we see the opportunity to use a new workflow while we work, we can refer to our workflow list on how to do it.
    • The workflow learning list should contain about 3-5 workflows at the one time. Otherwise we won’t remember to use them.
  • Over time, some of these workflows will became muscle memory. The rest will be ignored.
  • Workflows that have been learned, can be checked on the list. If we want, we can add a new workflow to our list.
  • Our own automations can be also tracked on this list.