List of thinking frameworks
This is a list of frameworks and tools that I can use to figure out solutions to problems.
- Outline an algorithm in pseudo programming or natural language
- Az írás és a programozás rendszerek működését írja le
- Create a POC to gain experience with a problem 2024-12-16_09-38
- Slowly develop a project plan using a project-related Zettelkasten
- Using the Zettelkasten to advance R&D projects
- Thinking with a digital Zettelkasten
- 2.6.6 Zettelkasten project jegyzetek tárolása a GTD project support mappákban
- Projekt alapú Zettelkasten használata SomedayMaybe ötletek fejlesztésére
- 2.6.13 A Fleeting jegyzetek kiindulópontként használhatók projektekhez és tartalmi elemekhez
- Layout events in a timeline or Gantt chart
- Talk to myself in a chat UI to slowly unpeel different layers of a problem using the power of writing
- Talk to an LLM in a chat UI in a way that it asks me questions about a topic which I have to answer, so at the end I have a conversation which can be used for an initial draft
- Capture random ideas into an outline without organization then recognize patterns and organize
- Just start to write into a journal entry and let my brain spit out ideas, which can be captured later
- Go for a walk and think about the problem, then capture ideas
- When I have to share an idea, the best is to create a visual representation first
- 2.17 It’s more effective to explain our ideas using external tools