- I have these “look into” type #GTD projects which are about getting myself more familiar with something (which could be a tool, a programming language, a framework etc).
- Previously I created OmniFocus projects with corresponding Bike outlines, so I can collect my notes in one place and then figure out what to do with this information later.
- What I have in mind instead is to use my #Zettelkasten to manage these outlines.
- The #OmniFocus project would be still present because I need to have a place to store #NextActions.
- The #Zettelkasten would be the outline.
- As I gather more information I would add more connections as a form of reading and permanent notes.
- Jegyzetek gyűjtése könyvolvasás közben
- By using my #Zettelkasten like this I would have a history on how I learned a topic, and where should I pick up next time.
- A Zettelkastennel párhuzamosan több dolgot is írhatunk
- The #Zettelkasten serves as a journal, because I keep the history of my learning path in the a timeline of timestamped notes which can be reviewed in later when I pick the topic again. #Journaling