- Author: 2023-12-08_20-16-simon-willison
- Increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive docs and automated tests - DCUS → DEVONthink Archive
- The Perfect Commit → DEVONthink Archive
- Using PRs and squashing commits is similar
GitHub issues can be archived → https://github.com/dogsheep/github-to-sqlite
Using GitHub as Zettelkasten
- 4:00
- Commit changes of one thing
Incrementally building tests
- 7:32
- Documentation should live in the same repo as the code 2023-12-09_13-27
Catch missing updates in PRs
- 13:40
- Timestamped documentation
- A timeline of changes
- Keeping an issue thread ensures we have a background information on a code change → 2023-12-09_13-35
- 14:55
- Have this for Shortcuts
- I can commit and export a shortcut
- Keep them in one repository
- I can keep automation scripts in Git repositories 2023-12-09_16-05
- 15:20
- Get back to something when you have notes
- Programmers complain about distractions
- When we keep a journal we automatically keep bookmarks for ourselves 2023-12-09_16-10
Issues for everything, even life stuff
At this state, this is a project management app, like Things
I keep stuff like this privately, not in GitHub issues
I link it using Hookmark
- 16:56
Have Markdown files about projects?
It is a way to journal
Use my Zettelkasten for journaling using Markdown files
Link with Hookmark to a Things project
- The Archive would be awesome for this
Publish Markdown files to GitHub issues
I can create a new comment to have a way to I document my stuff
It will make my work more transparent
Have an output about what did you done
Journal about what you did
Twitter threads
Or small status blog posts
PR description
Get a blog