
Using the Zettelkasten to advance R&D projects

  • I have these “look into” type #GTD projects which are about getting myself more familiar with something (which could be a tool, a programming language, a framework etc).
  • Previously I created OmniFocus projects with corresponding Bike outlines, so I can collect my notes in one place and then figure out what to do with this information later.
  • What I have in mind instead is to use my #Zettelkasten to manage these outlines.
    • The #OmniFocus project would be still present because I need to have a place to store #NextActions.
    • The #Zettelkasten would be the outline.
    • As I gather more information I would add more connections as a form of reading and permanent notes.
      • Jegyzetek gyűjtése könyvolvasás közben
  • By using my #Zettelkasten like this I would have a history on how I learned a topic, and where should I pick up next time.
    • A Zettelkastennel párhuzamosan több dolgot is írhatunk
    • The #Zettelkasten serves as a journal, because I keep the history of my learning path in the a timeline of timestamped notes which can be reviewed in later when I pick the topic again. #Journaling




Cool iCal tips from 43folders


Planning out my time with iCal calendars and groups, and being able to click back and forth between that planning view and David Allen’s “hard landscape,” is very appealing. I’d forgotten your earlier post on this topic, but I’ll be returning to it for ideas.

The printed calendar I carry with me doesn’t have the kind of detail yours does, but it does have the advantage of giving me four months of schedule in my back pocket. Do you print your calendars to any special size—e.g., for pasting into a Moleskine—or just to letter-sized?

The daily agenda for a trip sounds like a great idea for many (salesmen, in particular), but my trips are almost always focused on a single project. I’m more likely to be juggling appointments on the days I am in front of my computer.


Thanks for mentioning iCal. I have ditched eveything else and find that iCal has everything I need for GTD.

It’s a calendar, to-do (to-do’s can be sorted by calendar, too, by the way) list, tickler file (just put “See File under “file name” in the notes field) and, well, everything else that GTD requires.

Here’s the reason I forced iCal to work for me: I don’t carry a PDA, just a sony ericsson phone, and everything that is in iCal, including tasks and alarms, are synced with my phone quickly via iSync. I even have a script to open iSync, sync them, them quit iSync, all by hitting Shift-F8. So I just tap the hotkey when I get to my mac and leave it, and all my stuff is current all the time and very portable, always in my pocket.

Another great thing, it doesn’t just import from iCal to the phone, it syncs them, so when I’m out and I need to add a task, I can do it shorthand on the phone and it will sync to a calendar called “Inbox” in iCal when I sync up.

I would love to use fother fun GTD software, but alas, I don’t need to. If you carry a syncable phone with you everywhere, I highly recommend tweaking iCal to work as your GTD system.

Did I mention there’s tons of little apps and even widgets that let you see your iCal stuff at a glance without bringing up iCal? Very nice.


Exploring the database format of Things

I was think about switching from #Things to #TaskPaper. Task-management is the last piece where I still don’t use plain text, albeit using Markdown in Things notes (see 2023-12-09_12-09 Things to-do journaling template).

  • Why I like Things
    • Nice UI
    • #Markdown support in notes
    • Really good #Shortcuts integration
    • iOS and iPadOS versions, which are at the same level of excellence
    • There is a link to everything
    • No attachments
      • People tend to dislike this. Having no attachments support forces me to have better attachment management in dedicated apps like DEVONthink
  • Why I don’t like Things
    • Uses a database
    • Sync is not end-to-end encrypted
    • No Spotlight integration
      • On the Mac, I periodically run a script which creates .hook files linking back to projects as way to have a fake Spotlight index.

Knowing that the database is fairly easy to understand, I’m a bit more confident that I can export my to-dos out of Things. I can even use the SQLite database directly as an archival format too.

The non-existence of end-to-end encryption is still bugs me though.


When we keep a journal we automatically keep bookmarks for ourselves

Programmers complain about distractions all the time. But when we journal and document our actions, we can drop them in the moment and pick them up later from where we left off. It’s like bookmarks for our lives (see next actions 2.7).

We will also have a history of our actions in the journal, which can be used as a reference when we have to go back in time.

#Journaling #NextActions

I can keep automation scripts in Git repositories

Automations should be exported into Git repositories. They have to be installed since most automation tool expects a script, a shortcut, or a macro to be imported into a library, or installed in a special place, but we can still export and assemble files from our tools into a repositories.

Keeping these repositories up-to-date can be a burden, since we have to manually export files. But it’s still beneficial to keep these under version control, since sync problems can happen, so we can go back to a previous version more easily.

Keeping an issue thread ensures we have background information about code changes

  • Timestamped documentation
    • #TBD…
  • A timeline of changes
    • As the idea develops, we can see a timeline of changes in the issue.
    • The timeline of changes is similar to how Zettelkasten threads work. The only difference is that we can’t have indentation with timelines.
  • An issue thread is like background information on what decisions we made about our code at a point of time.

Documentation should live in the same repo as the code

  • Documentation review should be part of the code review.
    • By forcing us to store the documentation in the same repository, we can keep it up-to-date with the code directly.
    • We can catch missing documentation updates in PRs while doing code reviews.
  • The documentation is versioned in a way in Git that ensures it aligns with the same version of the code, thus automatically synchronizing its history with older versions of the app.
  • Question: how we can migrate existing documentation from an external wiki into the repository?


We don't need to create a PR if the commit is atomic

When committing atomic changes of a “thing”, it has to have the following items included:

  • Actual code changes
  • Tests/specs
  • Documentation
  • Reference to an issue number (or a link to an external issue tracking software)

If the commit includes these, we can directly commit it into the main branch.

However, this wouldn’t work in a team setting since it requires too much discipline from other people. Also committing directly to the main branch can be dangerous.

#Development #Linking

Things to-do journaling template

This is my standard notes template for journaling about a #Things to-do in its notes.

# 2023-12-09_12-07

Notes about what happened with the to-do…

# 2023-12-09_12-09

Yet more notes about what happened with the to-do…


Displaying Hookmark icon on the Dock

Source: Hook: getting out of the Dock - Discussion & Help - Hookmark Forum

To display the icon on the Dock:

defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook background.app.mode 0
  • #BugsQuestions
    • The problem with the Dock mode is that the Hookmark app still kept active after copying the link.
    • It doesn’t switch back to the original app.
      • LaunchBar has a Dock mode, but it doesn’t steal the focus when it’s activated.

To revert it to be a background only app:

defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook background.app.mode 0

I’m going to keep my interstitial journal separate from my Zettelkasten. My journal doesn’t need Git and all the bells and whistles of my Zettelkasten. I just want to have a simple place to quickly draft ideas.

Some notes may move over to my Zettelkasten, which I can automate, but it’s very private, so I don’t want to accidentally publish something.

#Journaling #TaskPaper #Zettelkasten

The Arc style tab and bookmark management

People seemingly like Arc because of its tab management. I think it can be replicated with Safari as well using tab groups.

Arc doesn’t even have bookmarks, but Safari does.

  1. A bookmark can live in the temporary tab space
  2. It can be moved into more specific tab groups
  3. From here it can be even bookmarked into my Inbox tab group
  4. I can organize the bookmark in my Safari bookmarks, or move it into other apps for long term storage.

I should manage my Pull Requests like this, since they are very important.


I can quickly search today’s notes by typing fdate into The Archive’s omni bar. Typinator will expand today’s date.

I also modified my Open Current Note in Zettelkasten shortcut to give me an option to open the note in The Archive too. I just figured out that it searches for the note and gives me backlinks.

#Shortcuts #Workflow #Journaling

Simon Willison

Simon Willison is the creator of Datasette, an open source tool for exploring and publishing data. He currently works full-time building open source tools for data journalism, built around Datasette and SQLite.

Prior to becoming an independent open source developer, Simon was an engineering director at Eventbrite. Simon joined Eventbrite through their acquisition of Lanyrd, a Y Combinator funded company he co-founded in 2010.

He is a co-creator of the Django Web Framework, and has been blogging about web development and programming since 2002 at simonwillison.net

#Person #Development #Web

Refactor Things journaling

  • Create a repository for the original shortcuts
    • automation-things-journal
  • Journal About Things To-Do
    • Save the Things URL of the selected item
    • Create a new Drafts document with the date, published, things_url, title attributes in the frontmatter
    • I could also create a new text file directly using iA Writer URL schemes, and the Shortcut
      • Get the Things URL
      • Format the frontmatter
        • title → name of the selected Things item
        • date → the current date
        • publishedfalse
        • things_url → URL of the selected Things item
      • Create the Markdown file with a timestamp and a slugged version of the selected Things item
  • Open Things To-Do Journal

#Journaling #Things

Refactor checklist journaling

Automation repository creation

I created the new repository for my first automation script. https://github.com/zsbenke/automation-taskpaper-checklists

It would serve as a demo.

  1. Include all files that are needed for the automation.
  2. Create a README.md file which describes what it does.
    • I could include the keyboard shortcut which triggers it.
  3. Record a demo.mov file
  4. Upload the demo.mov file to Vimeo with the name of the automation
    • Automation – Automation Name
  5. Link the demo.mov from Vimeo in the README.md

#Automation #Reference

Plans for TaskPaper journal changes

Since I want to use TaskPaper as just another editor app, I should move my interstitial journal file out of it.

I cancelled some parts of this project. → 2023-12-09_10-04

#Thread #Shortcuts #TaskPaper #Journaling #TheArchive

Switching to my Zettelkasten as a journal

I think I’m going to give up my TaskPaper journal. I just think The Archive app makes so much sense as a journal and Zettelkasten.

I can develop notes and journal about stuff here. It’s even have images integration, and I can use the old style Notational Velocity app.

Increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive docs and automated tests

  • Author: 2023-12-08_20-16-simon-willison
  • Increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive docs and automated tests - DCUSDEVONthink Archive
    • The Perfect CommitDEVONthink Archive
    • Using PRs and squashing commits is similar
    • GitHub issues can be archived → https://github.com/dogsheep/github-to-sqlite
    • Using GitHub as Zettelkasten
    • 2:58
      • Perfect commit
    • 4:00
      • Commit changes of one thing
    • 5:30
      • Incrementally building tests
    • 7:32
      • Documentation should live in the same repo as the code 2023-12-09_13-27
      • Catch missing updates in PRs
    • 8:55
      • Documentation tests
    • 10:10
      • Issue threads
    • 12:10
      • It’s like Bike planning
    • 13:40
      • Timestamped documentation
      • A timeline of changes
      • Keeping an issue thread ensures we have a background information on a code change → 2023-12-09_13-35
    • 14:08
      • Issue driven development
    • 14:55
      • Have this for Shortcuts
      • I can commit and export a shortcut
      • Keep them in one repository
      • I can keep automation scripts in Git repositories 2023-12-09_16-05
    • 15:20
      • Get back to something when you have notes
      • Programmers complain about distractions
      • When we keep a journal we automatically keep bookmarks for ourselves 2023-12-09_16-10
    • 16:40
      • Issues for everything, even life stuff
      • At this state, this is a project management app, like Things
      • I keep stuff like this privately, not in GitHub issues
      • I link it using Hookmark
    • 16:56
    • 18:14
      • Publish Markdown files to GitHub issues
      • I can create a new comment to have a way to I document my stuff
      • It will make my work more transparent
    • 19:30
      • Have an output about what did you done
      • Journal about what you did
      • Twitter threads
        • Or small status blog posts
      • PR description
      • Get a blog

#Thread #Literature


I developed a coherent Zettelkasten content pipeline

The following diagram explains the flow of my #Zettelkasten content pipeline.

  • Incoming information: reading
  • Incoming information: fleeting notes and ideas.
    • Fleeting notes and ideas are things that I came up with from my mind.
    • Usually, these are triggered via external events like reading.
  • Processing
    • All of these annotations, ideas, and notes are collected in my Things inbox, where I process them using progressive summarization / sense-making.
    • I highlight the interesting parts and then add these to separate Bike outlines with a link to the source.
    • I’m organizing these ideas in Bike, and then I export them into Zettelkasten notes through Drafts.
    • They will end up in my Zettelkasten as new notes ready for drafting.
  • Drafting
    • I use the #Drafting hashtag to keep track of my notes in iA Writer using a smart folder.
    • While editing my notes, I expand new ideas into separate notes created on the fly and linked.
      • I usually add the #Drafting hashtag to these too.
    • When a note is finished, I mark it with the #Linking hashtag
  • Linking
    • I also have a Linking smart folder in iA Writer for notes that must be added to my main outline.
      • I do linking on my Mac because I need a bigger screen.
      • I keep my outline source in Bike and add new notes there.
    • I find the note most appropriate place in my outline and add its ID and title there.
      • I have a shortcut that finds the corresponding note for the selected Bike row, assigns an ID according to its place in the outline, and links it from the Bike outline.
    • The next step is finding and linking related notes, which can be done in Bike or my outline directly on my Zettelkasten site.
      • This is the hard part, where I have to find a connection between the new notes and existing ones.
    • When satisfied, I export the Bike outline into a raw Markdown file for Jekyll and sync it up with my Zettelkasten site.
  • Searching
    • I mostly use The Archive to search and browse my Zettelkasten.
    • I also have private notes there, which are hidden from my published Zettelkasten so that I can keep track of other information in my Zettelkasten, too.

Screenshots of iA Writer smart folders setup


Using my Zettelkasten in DEVONthink

I indexed my #Zettelkasten notes in DEVONthink and also turned on syncing without uploading indexed items. On other devices, I also want to have this database synced, but I should also set it up the same way as on the original laptop.

I want to use DEVONthink to browse my Zettelkasten locally. It can even get and parse hashtags. But I can’t use hypens in the name of the hashtag for the Hungarian suffixes.


Manage multiple libraries in The Archive

There is a way to open a different archive when starting The Archive app from the Terminal.

$ open -n /Applications/The\ Archive.app --args -archiveURL "file:///Users/YOURUSER/path/to/notes/"

For example, I can open my Running Lists folder with this command.

$ open -n /Applications/The\ Archive.app --args -archiveURL "file:///Users/zsbenke/Documents/Running%20Lists/"

This will open a new instance of The Archive app. I’m not sure if that’s intended behavior, but it works for quick checks.



Ulysses writing workflow

  • Create a new project for each post
    • Posts that are long
    • Projects has their own set of rules
    • Duplicate the Post Template project
  • Writing
    • 🏷️ Drafting
    • 🏷️ Revise
    • Use the Resources folder for assets
  • Publish to the blog
    • I merge all revised sheets
    • Run them through Grammarly
      • Or use the built-in grammar checker in Ulysses
    • Publish the post to my blog
    • Let it sit for a couple of days
    • Archive the project



Leave permanent note linking to the Mac

  • Writing notes requires a different environment than linking notes.
    • Linking is about finding the connections between notes, while writing is about getting out our ideas from our fleeting notes in a focused manner.
  • When I do linking, I need to have a bigger display with multiple notes open so I can easily review them. An iPad screen size it’s just too small for this activity, so I like to do linking on a Mac.
    • Can linking be done on an external display on iPad using Stage Manager? 2023-11-17_21-44
  • I added an outliner-like JS module which converts Markdown lists into a togglable outline.
    • So in this note, this item can be hidden by pressing the arrow before the parent element.
  • I can also link to list items.
    • The outline-toggle controller calculates a checksum from the text on each item, and links them using the toggle arrows.
      • The checksum algorithm I used is available here.
    • When I paste the copied link back to the browser, I get a highlight effect for the linked block.

The capture log is an append only system

This note connects “2.16 Appending information is way to keep a history of changes” to “2.14.12 The capture log is an automatic journal”.

So I can see the capture log in the descendants of “Appending information is way to keep a history of changes 2.16”.


Git can be used for keeping the history of non-code based source files

  • I can set a Git repository for almost any source material which I’m working on, and I’ll have a nice history for these files.
  • Keeping a Git repository only works for file-based apps. It doesn’t work for database based apps like Ulysses, or Bear.
  • On top of Git, it’s still worth to keep manual versions for writings around, especially after reaching a milestone like the first draft, the first edit, or the version before spell checking. Manual versions usually work in database based applications too.
    • 2.16.3 Keeping manual versions in Ulysses.

The capture log is an automatic journal

A capture log is a journal-based version of the inbox, where ideas are getting captured. This was an idea mentioned by Merlin Mann 2024-10-23_08-21-merlin-mann for the first time, where he wants to yell into the void and let Siri capture his ideas, with automatic metadata like creation date, a location, and optionally the weather.

A capture log is kind of a journal about our ideas. It’s like a tail for our life.

There is a difference between the Inbox and Storage

The Inbox is a medium which contains items that change frequently. It is a temporary place that holds new information in the short term. It’s like a tail for our life as Merlin Mann said it 2024-10-23_08-21-merlin-mann. → 2.14.12

The Storage is a place which holds processed information on the long term, optimally organized in some form of fashion ( The file system is a backend for our projects). Organization categories should have clean edges, so we know what to store where.

By using these two information holders, we can separate the processing and organization part of #GTD.



There similarities between naming things in programming and naming things in a Zettelkasten

  • When we have to name something we’re forced to think about its meaning.
  • Naming a #Zettelkasten note is similar to naming a class in programming.
    • In programming a class describes a set of related behaviors.
    • A name have to describe these behaviors in a way that makes sense for us (and other developers).
  • Phrasing a title for a note will force us to came up a simple clarification on the content of it. This requires understanding.
    • A jegyzetcímekre API-ként kell gondolnunk

Change the outline level display

Follow-up on 2023-10-30_07-54:

I think the best possible solution would be to keep just the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd levels in the outline.

  1. 1st level should be visible since that’s my entry to a main branch.
  2. 2nd level should be visible because these are idea threads which can be developed.
  3. 3rd level should be hidden though because these can be real rabbit holes which needs digging down into actual notes. I show them by expanding the 2nd level.

All other levels can be removed. This would keep the outline usable.